Rockbridge Area Hospice Patient Rights & Responsibilities
The patient has the right to be informed of his or her rights, and the hospice must protect and promote the exercise of these rights. PROCEDURES
v) Assured confidential treatment of his or her medical and financial records as provided by law; vi) Free from mental and physical abuse and property exploitation; vii) Assured the right to participate in the planning of his/her care, including appropriate assessment and management of pain and the right to refuse services; viii) Served by individuals who are properly trained and competent to perform their duties; ix) Assured the right to voice grievances and complaints related to RAH services without fear of reprisal; x) To voice grievances regarding treatment or care that is (or fails to be) furnished and the lack of respect for property by anyone who is furnishing services on behalf of hospice; xi) To not be subjected to discrimination or reprisal for exercising his or her rights; and xii) Advised, before care is initiated, of the extent to which payment for services may be expected from federal or state programs, and the extent to which payment may be required from the patient.
ii) Immediately (within 24 hours) investigate alleged violations involving anyone furnishing services on behalf of the hospice and immediately take action to prevent further potential violations while the alleged violation is being verified. Investigations and/or documentation of all alleged violations must be conducted in accordance with established procedures; |
iii) Take appropriate corrective action in accordance with state law if the alleged violation is verified by the hospice administration or an outside body having jurisdiction, such as the State survey agency or local law enforcement; and
iv) Ensure that verified violations are reported to State and local bodies having jurisdiction (including to the State survey and certification agency) within five (5) working days of becoming aware of the violation. v) Give five (5) days oral and written notice when the hospice program determines to terminate services. vi) Advise orally and in writing of any changes in fees for services that are the patient's responsibility. RAH shall advise the patient of these changes as soon as possible but no later than 30 calendar days from the date RAH became aware of the change. C) The patient has the right to the following:
As a patient of this hospice. you have the responsibility: To participate in developing and implementing your plan of care and revising it as necessary. To provide the hospice team with complete and accurate information about your health status and symptoms. To ask for pain relief, help your nurse assess your pain and report if your pain is not relieved. To promptly report any changes in your condition, level of pain, or adverse reaction to medication or other treatments. To assist hospice staff in providing and maintaining a safe environment in which care can be provided. To inform hospice staff of the existence of any Advance Directives and Do Not Resuscitate Order and any changes made to them. To remain under a doctor's care while receiving hospice services. To advise hospice staff of any problems or dissatisfaction with the care / services provided. To have a Power of Attorney and plan for caregivers in the home as determined necessary. |